fancy A REVIEW?

The creative industries are f*cking hard to break into, we get it, which is why our aim at FLARE has always been to support creatives by giving them a platform to get their creativity out in the world. We also want to give up-and-coming writers a platform to gain experience and let their creativity loose by helping fellow creatives. If you’re an artist wanting to get your music and/or art out there, or even fancy a crack at getting involved in the world of music journalism then please get in touch via the forms below.



Fancy a review or a mag feature? Go ahead fill out the below fields as best as you can so we have all the information we need to review your submission.

*Please note, a submission does not guarantee a review (as we’re a very small team at the moment!). If we’re able to review your music we will be in touch.


Contributing to flare

If you fancy taking a stab at reviewing some music, or even want to delve into some feature work we’d love to hear from you. We don’t need a million references or published pieces from you, just show us a couple of examples of your writing style (these don’t have to have been published!).

If we have content that is suited to your interests, we’ll be in touch with further information.